I've been thinking about using cloth diapers since before Grace was born, however I didn't want to tackle it on top of having a new baby so we used disposable diapers on Grace. However, now that I'm settled in back at work and we have a pretty good routine down I still wanted to give cloth a try. So, I found a program online where essentially you can "rent" new cloth diapers for 21 days to try cloth. The program is through Jilliansdrawers.com if anyone is interested in it. They send all different types of diapers from the traditional pre-folds (like my mom used on me) to the new pockets and all in ones which look like a cloth version of disposable diapers. The program has been great in it showed me that cloth is really not that hard and also what type of diapers I liked to use. I actually had my mind set on a certain type of diapers but after using them with Grace for the last week I don't think I'm going to be using them for her. I have really liked fuzzibunz which is a pocket diaper. Esentially, you place a microfiber insert in the "pocket" in the diaper and you can add more inserts depending on how much absorbancy you need (ie at night) then when you go to wash them simply pull out the insert and wash the whole diaper. They are pretty user friendly and don't take a lot of time. They also have worked well with Grace's sensitive skin. Well, after deciding on my diaper of choice, I was browsing through craigslist and saw a listing for used fuzzibunz. I was able to get a great deal on 20 fuzzibunz diapers that are in great condition. I also purchased the woman's wetbag (which you store the dirty diapers in ) her travel wetbag for the diaper bag, and a bunch of cloth wipes. I was so excited to be able to get good condition diapers for a great price. All in all, I've spent approximately $350 for all my supplies which should last for awhile and possibly clear until Grace is potty trained. So far I have not found it to be too much work and I'm only having to wash diapers ever other day at most. We'll see how things continue as I iron out all the kinks with using cloth.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Such a big girl!

Grace is trying to sit up. She is no longer content to be held laying down and will throw her body forward into a sitting position until you hold her that way. So, this past week I got out her Bumbo- which is a seat that holds her in place. While she's a little young for it, she has pretty good head control so I've let her sit in it for a little bit and she seems to love it! She loves that she can be independent and see what's going on around her. She definately has a strong personality and knows exactly what she wants. I think it's the red hair!
Pool Time

Friday, July 9, 2010
Hot days and the 4th of July
We spent the last few days trying to keep cool in this crazy heat! Thank goodness for Grandma and Grandpa Gerber's pool! Grace loved swimming around- as you can see, when Grandpa holds her it puts her right to sleep! She also loved hanging out in her chair on the pool deck and checking out what was going on!
For the 4th of July we began the day at my Uncle Tom's surprise birthday party. It was great to see everyone. The food and the company were great. Then from there we headed down to Salt Fork to stay with Grandma and Grandpa Anderson (and daddy). We had a great (but hot) time and Grace went on her first fishing trip. Not to brag or anything, but I caught 2 fish (while Todd only caught one hehe). :0) We had an enjoyable time before heading back to Columbus.
I started work this week and so far it seems to be going well. It was a hard adjustment especially since I went back to working nights. My body has been fighting sleeping during the day. Unfortunately, my schedule changes every week for the next few weeks as I try to figure out what works best for me and Grace and so I won't have much time to readjust. Grace seems to be doing just fine, however and has a great time at the babysitter with all her new friends! The one little girl seems to think that Grace is her very own real baby doll! It's cute to see them all together though and it will be a good experience for Grace. All in all, the transition was much harder on me than her!

For the 4th of July we began the day at my Uncle Tom's surprise birthday party. It was great to see everyone. The food and the company were great. Then from there we headed down to Salt Fork to stay with Grandma and Grandpa Anderson (and daddy). We had a great (but hot) time and Grace went on her first fishing trip. Not to brag or anything, but I caught 2 fish (while Todd only caught one hehe). :0) We had an enjoyable time before heading back to Columbus.
I started work this week and so far it seems to be going well. It was a hard adjustment especially since I went back to working nights. My body has been fighting sleeping during the day. Unfortunately, my schedule changes every week for the next few weeks as I try to figure out what works best for me and Grace and so I won't have much time to readjust. Grace seems to be doing just fine, however and has a great time at the babysitter with all her new friends! The one little girl seems to think that Grace is her very own real baby doll! It's cute to see them all together though and it will be a good experience for Grace. All in all, the transition was much harder on me than her!

What a little peanut!

Well, actually not so little anymore! Grace is growing like a weed...she's pretty consistantly in size 3-6 and 6 month clothes and is quickly growing out of her size 2 diapers! She's such a little chunky monkey and I love it!! The other day she sat in her boppy and "played" with her wrist rattles for a long time. She laughed and smiled and "talked"... I now know what people mean when they say they don't know how they lived before their kids- what would I do without her?!
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