I was diagnosed with Grave’s disease this past spring. This week I’ve undergone treatment for this with radioactive iodine. The whole process has been fairly painless, other than a sore throat and a little upset stomach I’ve felt pretty good. The bad part is I’ve been quarantined to my house and Grace has been with Grandma and Grandpa all week. I haven’t seen her since Monday afternoon and I’m going crazy! I’m counting down until Sunday when I can see her again.
I found some pictures on my camera that I hadn’t downloaded. The first are from when Aunt Carli came to visit. Molly and Katie were looking out the front door and Grace had to see what the fuss was about.
2 weeks ago Aunt Kelsie was down visiting while my cousin Mark was in the hospital (he is still there but is slowly getting better). We took Grace swimming in the back yard since it was hot.
(because ever little girl needs their own beach chair complete with attached umbrella!) Also, I think it’s time to retire that swimsuit and move on up a size! We had a lot of belly shots!