Tuesday, November 30, 2010

**Multiple Posts**

I posted multiple posts today since I was long overdue. You might have to scroll down in order to see them all.

Thanksgiving and tree picking

Grace enjoyed her first Thanksgiving. Thursday we went to the Salem Mennonite Church service and sale. Then Grace went with Todd to the Anderson thanksgiving. Then she came over to Grandma and Grandpa Gerber’s house for more Thanksgiving fun.  Then on Saturday the Kohler Thanksgiving once again was at mom and dad’s. All in all it was a great weekend with lots of food! Grace was able to eat Turkey, mashed potatoes, corn and dressing. She LOVED it!Grace Catherine 739  Grace Catherine 744 Grace Catherine 742 Grace Catherine 746

Then on Sunday we went with mom, dad and Kelsie to pick out our Christmas tree at Pine Tree Barn.

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Go Bucks!

Grace Catherine 702 Grace got all decked out to watch the OSU-Michigan game. Unfortunately, we had to take her to urgent care on Saturday so we missed the first half of the game…but she cheered her team on to victory in the second half. (Grace had an ear and upper respiratory infection. She seems to be feeling better since starting her antibiotics). (and yes- her shirt says poop on Michigan.- you got to start them early!)

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Grace was as confused by the personal foul calls as the rest of us…Grace Catherine 709 Grace Catherine 711

Other pictures

Susan and Tom came to visit two weekends ago. It was great to see them. They watched Grace while I went to a workout class that my friend Lisa teaches and then we went out to dinner at Easton. it was a great night. I am finally posting pictures from dinner. Grace’s eyes are closed because of the flash.

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Also- here is a picture of Grace and her Aunt Kelsie. Kelsie was great and helped mom watch Grace while I went back to Columbus on Friday after Thanksgiving.

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Long overdue

I finally took Grace’s 7 month pictures.  They really are more like 7 1/2 month pictures- but oh well! Here they are:

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fun in the park and GO BUCKS!

Grace LOVES to swing! (and she also loves my keys- I couldn’t get them away from her!)

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And I know they say no screen time before they are 24 months- but seriously- they can’t mean the buckeyes can they? Grace has to cheer for her team! (after all- she wore her OSU gear just for game day!) OH-IO!

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Big trip to the capital

Last weekend Grace and I went to Washington DC with mom and dad and checked out Grace’s future home- you know, the While House!  Grace was amazing. She didn’t fuss once and was a real trooper. Grace Catherine 648 Grace Catherine 658

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We walked the capital and to the monuments on friday. Then friday night we met Tom and Susan and Rachel (Carli’s friend from GCC) for dinner at a Greek restaurant. One of the owners of the restaurant loved Grace and brought her out some lemon soup. I know the picture doesn’t show it- but Grace LOVED it!

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Then saturday we walked around Georgetown and Sunday was saw old town Alexandria. It was a great time (with lots of great food).Grace Catherine 664 Grace Catherine 666

Now this week we’ve been adjusting to being back in Columbus.  Grace was rockin’ her GCC shirt today. She’s looking so old! She’s now eating puffs and (kind of) drinking out of a sippy cup. She’s also getting better at sitting up- today at the babysitter she sat unassisted for over 15 minutes.

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