Friday, January 28, 2011


It’s been a little while since I’ve posted last. The last few weeks have been very busy. I'm posting a bunch of pictures of what we’ve been up to…

Grace Catherine 902             Grandma Janice and Great Grandma Bobbie came to visit.

Grace Catherine 903Last weekend I went to Dalton to visit and have the Kohler Christmas dinner.

Grace Catherine 911 Playing with MollyGrace Catherine 913 Grace Catherine 918 Grace and Kaylie matched!

Grace Catherine 920 Anna and GraceGrace Catherine 923

Then this past week we went to Coshocton for Jeff’s calling hours and funeral.

Grace Catherine 927 Grace and Uncle Brian

Grace Catherine 928 With the doggies

Grace Catherine 929 Grace wore her Christmas dress to the church.

Grace has to get tubes in her ears this upcoming Tuesday. She has been on every type of oral antibiotic and even had shots so this is the next step. Hopefully it will be quick and fairly painless for her. Mom is coming down to help out since I have to be there with her at 6:30am and she can’t have anything to eat/drink after midnight. How do you explain to a 9 month old that they can’t eat?! Wish us luck!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Great Uncle Jeff

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Todd’s uncle Jeff McCrea passed away this past Friday. While his illness was known, his death was still unexpected. The calling hours and funeral are this week. Please keep Todd’s family in your prayers.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

9 months

It’s getting harder and harder to get her to sit still for these!

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Grace Catherine 890 Grace Catherine 892

Grace is 23 pounds 6oz (off the charts), 29inches (>97 percentile), head is 18.5inches (>97percentile). She still has an ear infection and is once again on oral antibiotics (the shots did not work). We have an appointment with an ENT this Friday. I’m crossing my fingers we figure something out. Have a great week everyone!

Friday, January 14, 2011

9 months old

Today Grace is 9 months old. I should have been taking her usual photos in her onesie. Instead I have these pictures:Grace Catherine 872 Grace Catherine 874 Grace Catherine 873

I had to take her to Urgent care this evening. Grace has been slightly fussy and “off” this afternoon. I thought she was just tired so we still went and had a play date with Erin and Madison Yoh (which was great). However, when we got home I noticed that she was breathing pretty fast and felt a little warm. I took her temp (102.3) and counted her respirations (90-100 per minute) and decided we needed to go. Several hours later and 3 x-rays and one awful blood draw later we were out the door. It was just a viral infection that we already knew about. However, the fever that she had was making her breath very quickly.  I knew she was sick when my normally very lively little girl just wanted to sit in my lap and be hugged. Seriously, I don’t think in 9 months she has ever wanted that! She’s now asleep in her bed. Here’s hoping she sleeps well tonight.

Also an update on her ears.  She has had pretty much constant ear infections since before Thanksgiving.  Oral antibiotics were not working and so they gave her shots of antibiotics this week. They seem to be working. The next step is to see an ENT.

My poor little girl has had a rough couple of weeks.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Grace... spoiled?

Grace Catherine 861

I set Grace up with some toys in her room before I jumped in the shower this morning. I snapped a quick picture and realized that Grace has quite the little playroom already! She loves sitting with her toys and can occupy herself for quite some time (which makes my showers a little more frequent these days).

On Saturday I went to Once Upon a Child and found this rocker

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She loves it! In fact she will start “rocking” her lower body before she is even all the way on it.

And then sometimes the best toy is Dad.Grace Catherine 867

Grace on Christmas day

Mom and Dad got me a Flip video camera for Christmas. It is awesome! I'm able to take quick videos of Grace and it connects directly to my computer. I've taken more video of Grace in the last few weeks than in the entire first 8 months of her life! Here is the first video I took on the Flip. I'm sure there will be many more to come!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rub a dub dub

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Grace is sick today (seriously- I know the pictures make her look happy- but she has cried more today than in the last 8 months of her life). She has an ear infection in both ears and a runny nose/cough/rattling chest.  Poor baby even had a fever this morning. She is on antibiotics for the ear infection so we’re waiting it out until they start working. Until then she’s been getting lots of cuddles with mom and kisses.


Grace Catherine 837

I’ve just spent the last 45 minutes trying to upload a video from my flip camera to the blog.  For some reason i cannot get it to work and I’m too tired to try any further tonight. I’ll try to get it up soon.  Until then, here is a picture of a tired Grace in her Christmas dress. It was her bedtime- can you tell? Mom has more pictures of Christmas- I’ll have to have her send me some to download…until then…

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fun with Friends


We had dinner last week with friends of ours the Kirby’s.  They have an adorable red head as well so Grace fit right in.Grace Catherine 839

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Grace and Mallory had a great time playing in Mallory’s new truckGrace Catherine 846

Also, I know it is well into the new year but I promise to post some pictures and video from Christmas soon…